Lesson 1:



1. Nouns:

- Represents people, places, things, or ideas.

- Can be either the subject or object of a sentence.



a. Common Nouns:

Definition: General names for people, places, things, or ideas.

  1. Person: "The person sitting next to me on the bus was reading a book."
  2. Place: "The beach is my favorite place to relax and unwind."
  3. Thing: "She found a shiny object buried in the sand."
  4. Idea: "The scientist proposed a groundbreaking idea for renewable energy."
  5. Car: "My neighbor just bought a new car, and it's a beauty."
  6. Book: "I lost myself in the pages of a captivating book last night."
  7. Table: "The family gathered around the table for a festive dinner."
  8. Chair: "He pulled out a chair and offered it to the elderly woman."
  9. House: "Their house had a lovely garden filled with colorful flowers."
  10. Dog: "The loyal dog greeted its owner with a wagging tail."
  11. Cat: "The curious cat pawed at the string dangling from the table."
  12. Tree: "A majestic oak tree provided shade on hot summer days."
  13. Flower: "She picked a bouquet of wildflowers from the meadow."
  14. River: "The river flowed gently, reflecting the golden hues of sunset."
  15. Ocean: "They spent their vacation lounging on the sandy shores of the ocean."
  16. Mountain: "The climbers reached the summit of the mountain after a long journey."
  17. City: "New York City is known for its bustling streets and iconic skyline."
  18. Country: "They traveled to a foreign country to experience new cultures."
  19. School: "The school bell rang, signaling the end of another day of classes."
  20. Teacher: "The passionate teacher inspired her students to reach for their dreams."
  21. Student: "The diligent student studied late into the night for the exam."
  22. Doctor: "The doctor examined the patient and prescribed medication."
  23. Nurse: "The dedicated nurse cared for the sick with compassion."
  24. Police: "The police officer patrolled the streets to ensure safety."
  25. Firefighter: "The brave firefighter rushed into the burning building to save lives."
  26. Baby: "The newborn baby slept peacefully in its mother's arms."
  27. Child: "The child laughed gleefully as they played in the park."
  28. Parent: "The loving parent tucked their child into bed and kissed them goodnight."
  29. Grandparent: "The wise grandparent shared stories of their youth with the grandchildren."
  30. Friend: "A true friend is someone who stands by you through thick and thin."
  31. Neighbor: "The friendly neighbor welcomed them to the neighborhood with a homemade pie."
  32. Stranger: "She struck up a conversation with a stranger at the bus stop."
  33. Boss: "The demanding boss set high expectations for the team."
  34. Employee: "The hardworking employee received a promotion for their dedication."
  35. Customer: "The satisfied customer returned to the store for more purchases."
  36. Product: "The company launched a new product that quickly became a bestseller."
  37. Service: "The restaurant prided itself on providing exceptional service to its customers."
  38. Idea: "The revolutionary idea sparked a wave of innovation in the industry."
  39. Concept: "The abstract concept of time has puzzled philosophers for centuries."
  40. Dream: "She chased after her dreams with determination and perseverance."
  41. Goal: "Setting achievable goals is the first step toward success."
  42. Plan: "They devised a meticulous plan to execute the project efficiently."
  43. Problem: "Identifying the root cause of the problem is crucial for finding a solution."
  44. Solution: "After hours of brainstorming, they finally arrived at a viable solution."
  45. Question: "The thought-provoking question lingered in her mind long after the discussion."
  46. Answer: "He eagerly raised his hand to provide the correct answer."
  47. Project: "The ambitious project required careful planning and coordination."
  48. Task: "Completing the assigned task ahead of schedule earned her praise from the supervisor."
  49. Skill: "Mastering a new skill takes dedication and practice."
  50. Talent: "Her natural talent for music was evident from a young age."
  51. Hobby: "Gardening became her favorite hobby after she retired."
  52. Interest: "His keen interest in history led him to pursue a degree in the subject."
  53. Opinion: "Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but it's important to respect others' viewpoints."
  54. Belief: "Her strong belief in equality motivated her to advocate for social justice."
  55. Faith: "His unwavering faith sustained him through difficult times."
  56. Religion: "The diverse religious beliefs of the community were celebrated during the festival."
  57. Spirituality: "She found solace and peace in her spirituality."
  58. Mind: "The human mind is a complex and mysterious entity."
  59. Body: "Regular exercise is essential for maintaining a healthy body."
  60. Soul: "Many believe that the soul transcends the physical body."
  61. Heart: "His heart swelled with pride as he watched his daughter graduate."
  62. Emotion: "She struggled to control her emotions during the emotional farewell."
  63. Feeling: "A sense of nostalgia washed over her as she revisited her childhood home."
  64. Love: "Their love for each other only grew stronger with each passing day."
  65. Hate: "The intense hatred between the rival factions fueled the conflict."
  66. Fear: "She couldn't shake off the feeling of fear that gnawed at her insides."
  67. Courage: "Summoning all her courage, she took a leap of faith into the unknown."
  68. Joy: "The sheer joy of seeing her long-lost friend brought tears to her eyes."
  69. Sadness: "A wave of sadness washed over him as he bid farewell to his beloved pet."
  70. Happiness: "The simple pleasures of life brought her immense happiness."
  71. Anger: "His simmering anger boiled over, and he lashed out at those around him."
  72. Peace: "The tranquil garden provided a sense of peace and serenity."
  73. War: "The devastating effects of war left scars that would never fully heal."
  74. Conflict: "The unresolved conflict between the two nations threatened to escalate into violence."
  75. Resolution: "Negotiating a peaceful resolution to the dispute required compromise from both sides."
  76. Victory: "Their hard-fought victory was celebrated with cheers and applause."
  77. Defeat: "The bitter taste of defeat lingered long after the final whistle blew."
  78. Competition: "The fierce competition brought out the best in the athletes."
  79. Cooperation: "Successful teamwork requires cooperation and mutual respect."
  80. Friendship: "Their enduring friendship stood the test of time."
  81. Relationship: "Building a strong relationship takes effort and commitment from both parties."
  82. Marriage: "They exchanged vows and committed to a lifetime of love and partnership."
  83. Divorce: "The couple decided to part ways and seek a divorce."
  84. Family: "Family gatherings were always filled with laughter and warmth."
  85. Community: "The tight-knit community rallied together in times of need."
  86. Society: "The fabric of society is woven from diverse cultures and perspectives."
  87. Culture: "The rich culture of the region was celebrated through music and dance."
  88. Tradition: "They honored the tradition of decorating the Christmas tree together."
  89. Custom: "Observing cultural customs and traditions fosters a sense of belonging."
  90. Norm: "Social norms dictate acceptable behavior in a given society."
  91. Value: "Honesty and integrity are core values that guide her actions."
  92. Principle: "He refused to compromise his principles, even in the face of adversity."
  93. Rule: "Following the rules ensures fairness and order in society."
  94. Law: "Breaking the law carries consequences that must be faced."
  95. Order: "Maintaining order is essential for a functioning society."
  96. Chaos: "The chaos that ensued after the earthquake was overwhelming."
  97. Harmony: "Finding harmony between work and life is a delicate balance."
  98. Balance: "Achieving a balance between work and play is key to a fulfilling life."
  99. Unity: "The diverse community came together in unity to celebrate the festival."
  100. Diversity: "Embracing diversity enriches our collective experience and understanding."

b. Proper Nouns:

Definition: Specific names for particular people, places, or things. They are capitalized.
Example: Mary, London, The Great Gatsby.

c. Concrete Nouns:

Definition: Nouns that refer to tangible, physical objects.

  1. Car: "The sleek car sped down the highway, leaving behind a trail of dust."
  2. Tree: "A majestic tree stood tall in the center of the park, providing shade on hot summer days."
  3. Chair: "She pulled up a chair and sat down to enjoy her morning coffee."
  4. Dog: "The loyal dog bounded across the yard to greet its owner with enthusiasm."
  5. Book: "She lost herself in the pages of a captivating book, immersing herself in a world of fantasy."
  6. Table: "The family gathered around the table for a festive holiday meal."
  7. Phone: "He reached for his phone to check for any missed calls or messages."
  8. Computer: "She spent hours working on her computer, typing away furiously to meet the deadline."
  9. House: "Their quaint house nestled in the countryside, surrounded by fields of wildflowers."
  10. Pen: "He grabbed a pen from the desk and began jotting down notes for the meeting."
  11. Shirt: "He buttoned up his crisp white shirt and adjusted his tie before heading to the interview."
  12. Shoes: "She slipped on her comfortable shoes and headed out for a leisurely stroll."
  13. Desk: "The cluttered desk was piled high with papers and folders, a testament to a busy workday."
  14. Cup: "She sipped her tea from a delicate china cup, savoring the warmth on a chilly afternoon."
  15. Flower: "The vibrant flower garden bloomed with an array of colors, attracting bees and butterflies alike."
  16. Key: "He fumbled for his key in his pocket before finally unlocking the door."
  17. Spoon: "She stirred her coffee with a silver spoon, the clinking sound echoing in the quiet kitchen."
  18. Fork: "He speared a piece of meat with his fork and lifted it to his mouth."
  19. Knife: "She carefully sliced the loaf of bread with a sharp knife, each cut yielding perfect slices."
  20. Television: "They gathered around the television to watch their favorite show, popcorn in hand."
  21. Clock: "The ticking of the clock echoed through the empty room, marking the passage of time."
  22. Lamp: "She switched on the lamp beside her bed, casting a warm glow in the dimly lit room."
  23. Bed: "She sank into the soft embrace of her bed, grateful for the comfort after a long day."
  24. Pillow: "He fluffed up his pillow and settled down for a restful night's sleep."
  25. Blanket: "She wrapped herself in a cozy blanket, chasing away the chill of the winter night."
  26. Door: "The creaking door swung open, revealing a dark corridor beyond."
  27. Window: "She gazed out of the window, lost in thought as she watched the world go by."
  28. Brick: "The mason carefully laid each brick, building a sturdy wall brick by brick."
  29. Wallet: "He reached into his wallet and pulled out a crisp twenty-dollar bill."
  30. Bag: "She packed her bag with essentials for the day ahead, ready to face whatever challenges came her way."
  31. Hat: "He tipped his hat in greeting as he passed by on the street."
  32. Glasses: "She adjusted her glasses and squinted at the fine print on the page."
  33. Plate: "He piled his plate high with food, eager to sample the delicious spread."
  34. Bowl: "She ladled soup into a bowl, the steam rising in delicate wisps."
  35. Dish: "The chef prepared a tantalizing dish, garnishing it with fresh herbs."
  36. Towel: "She reached for a towel to dry her hands after washing them."
  37. Soap: "He lathered his hands with soap, scrubbing away the grime of the day."
  38. Toothbrush: "She applied toothpaste to her toothbrush and began to brush her teeth."
  39. Mirror: "She stared at her reflection in the mirror, studying her features intently."
  40. Comb: "He ran a comb through his hair, smoothing down any unruly strands."
  41. Brush: "She brushed the dust off the old book with a soft brush."
  42. Towel: "He wrapped himself in a towel after stepping out of the shower, feeling refreshed and rejuvenated."
  43. Jacket: "She shrugged on her jacket and braced herself against the biting cold."
  44. Pants: "He slipped into his favorite pair of pants and headed out for the evening."
  45. Refrigerator: "She reached into the refrigerator and pulled out a carton of milk."
  46. Microwave: "He heated up leftovers in the microwave, the aroma wafting through the kitchen."
  47. Oven: "She preheated the oven and began to prepare dinner for her guests."
  48. Refrigerator: "He stored perishable items in the refrigerator to keep them fresh."
  49. Stove: "She cooked dinner on the stove, the sizzle of food filling the air."
  50. Microwave: "He popped a bag of popcorn into the microwave and pressed start."
  51. Toaster: "She toasted slices of bread in the toaster until they were golden brown."
  52. Blender: "He whipped up a smoothie in the blender, tossing in fresh fruit and yogurt."
  53. Spoon: "She stirred the soup with a spoon, ensuring it was heated evenly."
  54. Fork: "He speared a piece of fruit with a fork and brought it to his mouth."
  55. Knife: "She sliced the cake with a sharp knife, each cut precise and clean."
  56. Plate: "He set the plate down on the table and began to eat."
  57. Bowl: "She poured cereal into a bowl and added milk, creating a simple breakfast."
  58. Cup: "He sipped his coffee from a cup, enjoying the rich aroma and flavor."
  59. Glass: "She filled a glass with water and took a refreshing sip."
  60. Mug: "He wrapped his hands around a steaming mug of hot chocolate, savoring the warmth."
  61. Hammer: "He pounded the nail into the wall with a hammer, securing the frame in place."
  62. Screwdriver: "She tightened the screw with a screwdriver, ensuring it was secure."
  63. Nail: "He hammered the nail into the wooden board, fixing it firmly in place."
  64. Saw: "He sawed through the wooden plank with a saw, creating two equal pieces."
  65. Drill: "She drilled holes into the wall to hang up a picture frame."
  66. Tape measure: "He measured the length of the room with a tape measure, marking the dimensions."
  67. Wrench: "She tightened the bolt with a wrench, ensuring it was firmly in place."
  68. Pliers: "He used pliers to grip the stubborn nail and pull it out of the wood."
  69. Screw: "She tightened the screw with a screwdriver, securing the hinge in place."
  70. Bolt: "He inserted the bolt into the hole and tightened it with a wrench."
  71. Nut: "She screwed the nut onto the bolt, securing it tightly in place."
  72. Washer: "He placed a washer onto the bolt before tightening it with a wrench."
  73. Rope: "She tied the packages together with a length of sturdy rope."
  74. Chain: "He secured the gate with a heavy chain, ensuring it stayed closed."
  75. Shovel: "She dug a hole in the ground with a shovel, preparing the soil for planting."
  76. Rake: "He raked the leaves into neat piles, ready for disposal."
  77. Hoe: "She used a hoe to break up the soil and remove weeds from the garden."
  78. Wheelbarrow: "He loaded the wheelbarrow with dirt and wheeled it to the garden."
  79. Trowel: "She used a trowel to plant flowers in the garden, carefully patting down the soil."
  80. Bucket: "He filled the bucket with water from the well, ready to water the plants."
  81. Hose: "She sprayed the plants with a hose, quenching their thirst with cool water."
  82. Spade: "He used a spade to dig trenches in the garden for planting."
  83. Lawnmower: "She pushed the lawnmower across the yard, cutting the grass to perfection."
  84. Axe: "He swung the axe with precision, chopping firewood for the winter."

d. Abstract Nouns:

Definition: Nouns that refer to concepts, feelings, qualities, or ideas.

  1. Love: "Their love for each other grew stronger with each passing day."
  2. Happiness: "The laughter of children filled the air, spreading happiness to all who heard."
  3. Sadness: "A wave of sadness washed over her as she bid farewell to her childhood home."
  4. Joy: "She felt a surge of joy in her heart as she watched her daughter take her first steps."
  5. Anger: "His simmering anger boiled over, and he lashed out at those around him."
  6. Fear: "She trembled with fear as she heard the ominous sounds coming from the dark forest."
  7. Courage: "Summoning all her courage, she took a leap of faith into the unknown."
  8. Hope: "Even in the darkest of times, hope remained a guiding light in their hearts."
  9. Faith: "Her unwavering faith sustained her through even the most difficult trials."
  10. Trust: "Their relationship was built on a foundation of trust and mutual respect."
  11. Belief: "He held firm to his belief in the power of kindness to change the world."
  12. Peace: "The serene landscape filled her with a sense of peace and tranquility."
  13. Freedom: "They fought for their freedom, refusing to be shackled by oppression any longer."
  14. Justice: "She sought justice for the victims, determined to right the wrongs of the past."
  15. Liberty: "They cherished their liberty, knowing that it was a precious gift to be protected."
  16. Equality: "They advocated for equality for all, regardless of race, gender, or background."
  17. Truth: "He valued honesty above all else, believing that the truth would always prevail."
  18. Wisdom: "Her words were filled with wisdom, the product of a lifetime of experience."
  19. Knowledge: "He thirsted for knowledge, devouring books on a wide range of subjects."
  20. Understanding: "She approached the situation with empathy and understanding, seeking common ground."
  21. Patience: "He waited with patience for her to arrive, knowing that good things come to those who wait."
  22. Kindness: "Her acts of kindness touched the lives of many, leaving behind a legacy of compassion."
  23. Compassion: "He showed compassion to those in need, offering a helping hand whenever possible."
  24. Generosity: "Their generosity knew no bounds, as they gave freely to those less fortunate."
  25. Gratitude: "She expressed gratitude for the simple joys in life, counting her blessings each day."
  26. Forgiveness: "They found it in their hearts to forgive each other, letting go of past grievances."
  27. Integrity: "He lived his life with integrity, always staying true to his principles."
  28. Honesty: "She valued honesty above all else, refusing to compromise her integrity."
  29. Loyalty: "Their loyalty to each other never wavered, even in the face of adversity."
  30. Respect: "They treated each other with respect, honoring each other's perspectives and boundaries."
  31. Empathy: "She showed empathy for those who were suffering, sharing in their pain and offering support."
  32. Sympathy: "He offered sympathy to his friend who had lost a loved one, providing a shoulder to lean on."
  33. Determination: "With unwavering determination, she pursued her dreams despite the obstacles in her path."
  34. Perseverance: "He faced setbacks with perseverance, refusing to give up on his goals."
  35. Ambition: "Her ambition knew no bounds, as she chased after her dreams with relentless determination."
  36. Confidence: "He exuded confidence as he stepped onto the stage to deliver his speech."
  37. Optimism: "Even in the face of adversity, she maintained an optimism that things would get better."
  38. Pessimism: "His pessimism colored his outlook on life, as he constantly expected the worst."
  39. Enthusiasm: "She tackled each new project with enthusiasm, eager to make a difference."
  40. Passion: "His passion for music was evident in every note he played on the piano."
  41. Creativity: "She expressed her creativity through art, painting vibrant scenes on canvas."
  42. Imagination: "He had a vivid imagination, often getting lost in fantastical worlds of his own creation."
  43. Curiosity: "Her curiosity knew no bounds, as she constantly sought to learn and explore."
  44. Intuition: "He followed his intuition, trusting his gut instincts to guide him."
  45. Perception: "Her keen perception allowed her to see things that others often overlooked."
  46. Emotion: "She struggled to contain her emotions, feeling them bubble up to the surface."
  47. Sentiment: "The old photograph held sentimental value, evoking memories of days gone by."
  48. Memory: "Her memory was like a steel trap, recalling even the smallest details from years past."
  49. Dream: "She chased after her dreams with determination, refusing to let anything stand in her way."
  50. Reality: "The harsh reality of the situation hit him like a ton of bricks."
  51. Fantasy: "She retreated into a world of fantasy, where anything was possible."
  52. Nightmare: "The nightmare haunted her dreams, leaving her feeling shaken and afraid."
  53. Identity: "She struggled to find her identity, grappling with questions of who she truly was."
  54. Individuality: "They celebrated their individuality, embracing what made each of them unique."
  55. Community: "The tight-knit community rallied together in times of need, supporting each other through thick and thin."
  56. Society: "They sought to address the issues facing society, working toward positive change."
  57. Culture: "The rich culture of the region was celebrated through music, art, and dance."
  58. Tradition: "They honored tradition by gathering together for a festive holiday meal."
  59. Heritage: "She took pride in her cultural heritage, passing down traditions from generation to generation."
  60. Morality: "He wrestled with questions of morality, seeking to discern right from wrong."
  61. Ethics: "The company prided itself on its commitment to ethical business practices."
  62. Principle: "He refused to compromise his principles, even in the face of temptation."
  63. Virtue: "They strove to embody virtues such as honesty, integrity, and compassion."
  64. Vice: "He struggled with his vices, knowing they held him back from reaching his full potential."
  65. Guilt: "She was consumed by guilt over her actions, unable to shake off the feeling of remorse."
  66. Shame: "He hung his head in shame, feeling embarrassed by his mistake."
  67. Regret: "She looked back on her past with regret, wishing she had made different choices."
  68. Remorse: "He felt a deep sense of remorse for the pain he had caused others."
  69. Contentment: "She sighed with contentment as she watched the sunset, feeling at peace with the world."
  70. Satisfaction: "He nodded in satisfaction as he surveyed his handiwork, pleased with the results."
  71. Discontent: "A sense of discontent gnawed at him, as he yearned for something more."
  72. Boredom: "She fought off boredom by picking up a book and diving into a new adventure."
  73. Excitement: "The air was filled with excitement as they prepared for the upcoming event."
  74. Thrill: "He felt a thrill of excitement as he hurtled down the roller coaster's steep drop."
  75. Adventure: "They embarked on an adventure of a lifetime, exploring distant lands and exotic locales."
  76. Challenge: "He relished the challenge of solving the intricate puzzle, his mind working overtime."
  77. Risk: "They weighed the risks carefully before making a decision that would change their lives forever."
  78. Reward: "The sweet taste of success was a reward for their hard work and dedication."
  79. Success: "They celebrated their success with cheers and applause, proud of what they had accomplished."
  80. Failure: "Despite the setback, he refused to view it as a failure, seeing it instead as a learning opportunity."
  81. Achievement: "She felt a sense of achievement as she crossed the finish line, completing her first marathon."
  82. Accomplishment: "He nodded in satisfaction at the sense of accomplishment that came from completing the project."
  83. Growth: "They experienced personal growth as they faced and overcame challenges along the way."
  84. Development: "The city underwent rapid development, transforming into a bustling metropolis."
  85. Transformation: "She underwent a transformation, emerging from her cocoon as a confident and empowered individual."
  86. Evolution: "The technology underwent constant evolution, improving and advancing with each iteration."
  87. Revolution: "The political revolution brought about sweeping changes to the country's governance."
  88. Change: "Change was inevitable, and they embraced it as an opportunity for growth."
  89. Stability: "They sought stability in an ever-changing world, finding solace in routine and predictability."
  90. Routine: "He followed his daily routine with precision, finding comfort in its familiarity."
  91. Habit: "Breaking free from old habits was a challenge, but she was determined to make a change."
  92. Tradition: "They observed the tradition of gathering together for a festive holiday meal."
  93. Ritual: "The morning ritual of brewing coffee was a comforting start to her day."

e. Countable Nouns:

Definition: Nouns that can be counted as individual units.
Example: cat, chair, apple.


f. Uncountable (Mass) Nouns:

Definition: Nouns that cannot be counted as separate units and are usually measured or quantified.

  1. Water: "She quenched her thirst with a cool drink of water from the fountain."
  2. Air: "The crisp mountain air filled her lungs as she took a deep breath."
  3. Sand: "The warm sand between her toes reminded her of lazy days spent at the beach."
  4. Dust: "She wiped away the layer of dust that had settled on the old bookshelf."
  5. Cement: "The construction workers poured cement into the foundation, laying the groundwork for the new building."
  6. Milk: "She poured a glass of cold milk to accompany her cookies."
  7. Honey: "The sweet scent of honey filled the air as she drizzled it over her morning toast."
  8. Sugar: "She stirred a spoonful of sugar into her tea, watching it dissolve into the hot liquid."
  9. Salt: "He sprinkled a pinch of salt over his dinner to enhance the flavor."
  10. Flour: "She sifted flour into a bowl, preparing to bake a batch of homemade bread."
  11. Oil: "The car engine ran smoothly thanks to the fresh oil change."
  12. Gasoline: "He filled up the car's tank with gasoline before embarking on the long road trip."
  13. Plastic: "She recycled the plastic bottles to reduce waste and protect the environment."
  14. Metal: "The artist shaped the molten metal into intricate sculptures."
  15. Wood: "The cabin was constructed from sturdy logs of wood, blending seamlessly into the forest surroundings."
  16. Concrete: "The newly poured concrete sidewalk glistened in the sunlight."
  17. Clay: "She molded the soft clay into a beautiful vase, her hands working with practiced precision."
  18. Rubber: "The tires were made from durable rubber, providing traction on the wet pavement."
  19. Glass: "She admired her reflection in the smooth surface of the glass mirror."
  20. Ink: "He dipped the pen into the inkwell, ready to write a letter to his loved one."
  21. Paint: "She dipped the brush into the can of paint, adding vibrant strokes to the canvas."
  22. Oxygen: "The diver relied on his oxygen tank to explore the depths of the ocean."
  23. Carbon: "The carbon emissions from the factory contributed to air pollution."
  24. Gold: "She wore a necklace adorned with glittering gold charms."
  25. Silver: "The moon cast a silvery glow over the landscape, illuminating the night sky."
  26. Aluminum: "The soda can was made from lightweight aluminum, making it easy to carry."
  27. Copper: "The ancient coin was crafted from pure copper, a testament to the craftsmanship of the era."
  28. Brass: "The door handle gleamed in the sunlight, polished to a bright brass finish."
  29. Bronze: "The statue was cast in bronze, immortalizing the hero's likeness for generations to come."
  30. Steel: "The skyscraper was constructed from sturdy steel beams, towering over the city skyline."
  31. Titanium: "The spacecraft was built from lightweight titanium, allowing it to withstand the rigors of space travel."
  32. Lead: "The old pipes were made from lead, posing a potential health hazard to the residents."
  33. Iron: "She pressed the wrinkled shirt with a hot iron, smoothing out the creases."
  34. Platinum: "She wore a ring adorned with a sparkling platinum diamond, a symbol of everlasting love."
  35. Asphalt: "The road was paved with smooth asphalt, providing a seamless surface for driving."
  36. Concrete: "The sturdy concrete walls of the bunker offered protection from the raging storm outside."
  37. Tar: "The sticky tar clung to the bottom of her shoes as she walked along the freshly paved road."
  38. Vinegar: "She added a splash of vinegar to the salad dressing, giving it a tangy flavor."
  39. Wine: "They toasted to the happy couple with glasses of fine wine."
  40. Beer: "He cracked open a cold beer after a long day's work, savoring the refreshing taste."
  41. Tea: "She brewed a pot of fragrant tea, the aroma wafting through the kitchen."
  42. Coffee: "The rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the cafe, enticing passersby to stop in for a cup."
  43. Oxygen: "The patient relied on the oxygen mask to help him breathe."
  44. Hydrogen: "The hydrogen fuel cell powered the experimental car, offering a cleaner alternative to traditional gasoline engines."
  45. Nitrogen: "The nitrogen gas was used to preserve the freshness of the packaged food."
  46. Helium: "The helium balloon floated gracefully through the air, carried by the gentle breeze."
  47. Sulfur: "The pungent smell of sulfur lingered in the air, a reminder of the nearby volcanic activity."
  48. Mercury: "The thermometer contained a small amount of mercury, allowing for accurate temperature measurements."
  49. Nickel: "The coin was minted from a nickel alloy, giving it a shiny silver appearance."
  50. Carbon dioxide: "The plant absorbed carbon dioxide from the air, converting it into oxygen through the process of photosynthesis."

g. Collective Nouns:

Definition: Nouns that refer to a group or collection of people or things.

Flock: A flock of birds flew across the sky.
Herd: The shepherd led his herd of sheep to the pasture.
Pack: A pack of wolves hunted together in the forest.
Swarm: A swarm of bees gathered around the hive.
Colony: The ants formed a colony in the garden.
Pod: A pod of dolphins leaped out of the water.
School: The school of fish moved as one in the ocean.
Team: The team won the championship.
Group: A group of tourists explored the city.
Crowd: The crowd cheered loudly at the concert.
Audience: The audience applauded after the performance.
Committee: The committee met to discuss the budget.
Staff: The staff worked together to complete the project.
Choir: The choir sang beautifully at the church.
Orchestra: The orchestra played classical music at the concert hall.
Fleet: The fleet of ships sailed across the sea.
Squadron: A squadron of fighter jets flew overhead.
Tribe: The tribe gathered around the campfire.
Family: The family enjoyed a picnic in the park.
Society: The society organized a charity event to help those in need.

Elaboration on collective nouns relating to animals and insects:


  1. Flock of sheep: Sheep often move together in groups and are commonly referred to as flocks, especially when grazing in fields.
  2. Flock of geese: Geese are known for flying in V-shaped formations during migration, and these formations are often referred to as flocks.
  3. Flock of chickens: Chickens may also be referred to as a flock, particularly when they are kept together in a group for farming purposes.
  4. Flock of turkeys: Turkeys can be seen moving together in groups, especially in rural areas or during certain times of the year.
  5. Flock of ducks: Ducks may gather in groups on bodies of water or while foraging for food, and these groups are commonly called flocks.


The term "herd" is commonly associated with certain animals that move and graze together in groups. Here are some examples of animals that are often referred to as herds:

  1. Herd of cattle: Cattle are frequently seen grazing in fields or being led by farmers, and they are commonly referred to as herds.
  2. Herd of elephants: Elephants often travel in family groups known as herds, led by a matriarch, especially in savannah and forest habitats.
  3. Herd of buffalo: Buffalo, or bison, roam in large groups known as herds, particularly in grassland areas of North America.
  4. Herd of deer: Deer may gather together in groups, particularly during certain times of the year such as mating season or when searching for food.
  5. Herd of goats: Goats are commonly kept together in groups, especially in agricultural settings or while grazing in pastures.


The term "pack" is often used to describe groups of certain animals that hunt, travel, or live together in a coordinated manner. Here are some examples of animals that are commonly referred to as packs:

  1. Pack of wolves: Wolves are well-known for their social structure, often living and hunting together in packs led by an alpha pair.
  2. Pack of dogs: Domestic dogs may form packs, particularly if they are feral or living in a wild or semi-wild state.
  3. Pack of hyenas: Hyenas are highly social animals that live in clans, which are often referred to as packs.
  4. Pack of wild dogs (African hunting dogs): African wild dogs, also known as painted wolves, are highly social animals that hunt cooperatively in packs.
  5. Pack of coyotes: Coyotes often travel and hunt in family groups known as packs, especially in open habitats such as grasslands and deserts.


The term "swarm" is typically associated with groups of insects, particularly those that fly together in large numbers. Here are some examples of animals that are commonly referred to as swarms:

  1. Swarm of bees: Bees often gather together in large groups, particularly when they are swarming to establish a new colony or when foraging for food.
  2. Swarm of locusts: Locusts are known for forming massive swarms that can devastate crops and vegetation as they migrate in search of food.
  3. Swarm of mosquitoes: Mosquitoes may gather in large numbers, particularly in areas with standing water where they breed and feed on blood.
  4. Swarm of ants: Certain species of ants may form swarms, especially during mating flights or when foraging for food.
  5. Swarm of flies: Flies may congregate in large groups, particularly around decaying organic matter where they lay their eggs and feed.


The term "colony" is often associated with social animals that live together in organized groups, typically for breeding, nesting, or foraging purposes. Here are some examples of animals that are commonly referred to as colonies:

  1. Colony of ants: Ants are highly social insects that live together in large colonies, often with complex systems of tunnels and chambers.
  2. Colony of bees: Bees form colonies in hives or nests, where they work together to collect nectar, produce honey, and raise young.
  3. Colony of termites: Termites live in colonies that can range from small family groups to large underground networks, where they construct elaborate nests and feed on wood.
  4. Colony of penguins: Penguins gather together in colonies, particularly during the breeding season, to raise their chicks and forage for food.
  5. Colony of bats: Bats may roost together in colonies, often in caves or trees, where they rest during the day and hunt for insects at night.


The term "pod" is often associated with marine animals, particularly cetaceans, which are known to travel and socialize in groups. Here are some examples of animals that are commonly referred to as pods:

  1. Pod of dolphins: Dolphins are highly social marine mammals that often swim together in groups called pods, which can vary in size from just a few individuals to several dozen.
  2. Pod of whales: Various species of whales, such as killer whales (orcas) and sperm whales, are known to form pods for socializing, feeding, and migrating.
  3. Pod of seals: Certain species of seals, such as harbor seals and elephant seals, may gather together in groups known as pods, particularly during the breeding season.
  4. Pod of porpoises: Porpoises are small cetaceans closely related to dolphins, and they also form pods for socializing and hunting.
  5. Pod of manatees: Manatees, also known as sea cows, may gather together in loose groups known as pods, particularly in warm coastal waters where they feed on aquatic vegetation.


The term "school" is predominantly associated with groups of fish that swim together in coordinated patterns. Here are some examples of animals that are commonly referred to as schools:

  1. School of fish: Fish, such as sardines, herring, and anchovies, often swim together in large groups called schools for protection, mating, or feeding purposes.
  2. School of dolphins: Dolphins may also swim together in groups called schools, particularly when traveling or hunting for fish.
  3. School of tuna: Tuna fish are known to form schools, which can consist of thousands of individuals, as they migrate across the oceans in search of food.
  4. School of barracuda: Barracudas are predatory fish that may gather together in schools to increase their hunting success and protection from predators.
  5. School of mackerel: Mackerel fish may form schools, particularly during their annual migrations along coastal waters.

Are collective nouns plural or singular?

Collective nouns can be both plural and singular, depending on how they are used in a sentence.

  1. Singular: When the collective noun refers to the group as a single entity, it is treated as singular.

For example:

The herd of cattle is grazing in the field.

Here, "herd" is singular because it refers to the group as a whole.

  1. Plural: When the collective noun refers to the individuals within the group, it is treated as plural.

For example:

The herd of cattle are all different breeds.

Here, "herd" is plural because it refers to the individual cattle within the group.

h. Compound Nouns:

Definition: Nouns formed by combining two or more words.

  1. Toothbrush: "She diligently brushed her teeth with her mint-flavored toothbrush before bed."
  2. Football: "The players huddled together before the game, ready to kick off the football match."
  3. Bedroom: "Her cozy bedroom was decorated in shades of blue, creating a tranquil atmosphere for sleep."
  4. Hairbrush: "She ran the hairbrush through her long locks, smoothing out any tangles."
  5. Pancake: "She flipped the pancake in the skillet, cooking it to a golden brown perfection."
  6. Sunflower: "The sunflower stretched toward the sky, its vibrant petals soaking in the warm sunlight."
  7. Raincoat: "He donned his bright yellow raincoat before stepping out into the pouring rain."
  8. Notebook: "She jotted down notes in her notebook during the lecture, eager to capture every detail."
  9. Newspaper: "He sipped his coffee as he flipped through the pages of the morning newspaper."
  10. Cupboard: "She reached into the cupboard to grab a mug for her morning tea."
  11. Headache: "She rubbed her temples, trying to soothe the pounding headache."
  12. Moonlight: "The garden was bathed in the soft glow of moonlight, casting shadows across the lawn."
  13. Starfish: "She marveled at the intricate pattern of the starfish's arms as it clung to the rock."
  14. Backpack: "He slung his backpack over his shoulder before heading out on the hiking trail."
  15. Playground: "The children laughed and played on the swings and slides at the playground."
  16. Firefly: "She watched in wonder as the firefly danced through the air, its glowing light mesmerizing."
  17. Toothpaste: "She squeezed a dollop of toothpaste onto her toothbrush, ready to start her morning routine."
  18. Butterfly: "The colorful butterfly flitted from flower to flower, its delicate wings fluttering in the breeze."
  19. Watermelon: "She sliced into the juicy watermelon, savoring the sweet taste of summer."
  20. Railroad: "The train rumbled down the railroad tracks, its whistle echoing in the distance."

i. Possessive Nouns:

Definition: Nouns that indicate ownership or possession.

  1. Sarah's car is parked in the driveway.
  2. The cat's tail twitched with anticipation.
  3. My grandmother's recipe for apple pie is a family favorite.
  4. The company's profits have steadily increased over the past year.
  5. The children's laughter echoed through the playground.
  6. The teacher's desk was cluttered with papers and books.
  7. His sister's painting hangs proudly on the living room wall.
  8. The dog's leash was tangled around the tree.
  9. The CEO's office is on the top floor of the building.
  10. Our neighbor's garden is filled with colorful flowers.
  11. The baby's cry could be heard from across the room.
  12. The professor's lecture was informative and engaging.
  13. The bird's nest was nestled in the branches of the tree.
  14. The doctor's diagnosis confirmed our suspicions.
  15. The cat's whiskers twitched as it watched the mouse.
  16. The restaurant's menu offers a wide variety of options.
  17. The author's latest novel has received rave reviews.
  18. The student's backpack was filled with textbooks and notebooks.
  19. The musician's guitar was finely crafted and beautifully decorated.
  20. The bride's dress shimmered in the sunlight as she walked down the aisle.

j. Gerunds:

Definition: Verbs acting as nouns, ending in -ing.

  1. My favorite activity is swimming at the local pool.
  2. She enjoys reading books before bedtime.
  3. Running in the morning is essential for maintaining my fitness.
  4. Careful planning and preparation are required for cooking dinner.
  5. Many people find watching movies to be a relaxing pastime.
  6. Writing poetry often allows for emotional expression.
  7. Playing soccer with friends after school is always a highlight of my day.
  8. Learning new languages can be challenging but rewarding.
  9. Patience and understanding are key qualities for teaching children.
  10. Gardening in the backyard is a great way to unwind after a long day.
  11. Dancing salsa energizes me and brings joy to my heart.
  12. Painting landscapes while listening to music is my favorite way to relax.
  13. Cleaning the house thoroughly is a task I tackle every weekend.
  14. Traveling to new destinations broadens one's horizons and enriches their experiences.
  15. Volunteering at the local shelter provides a sense of fulfillment and purpose.
  16. Studying for exams requires diligence and effective time management.
  17. Singing in the choir every Sunday morning is a cherished tradition.
  18. Biking through the countryside on weekends offers a refreshing break from city life.
  19. Acting in school plays helps students develop confidence and interpersonal skills.
  20. Crafting handmade jewelry using unique materials is a creative outlet for me.

2. Pronouns:

- Replaces specific nouns to avoid repetition.

- Can function as the subject or object.

a. Personal Pronoun:

I, you, he, she, it, we, they

I like spaghetti.


b. Demonstrative Pronoun [Đại từ chỉ định]:

this, that, these, those

That is fair enough.
Which phone do you like? I like this.


c. Relative Pronoun:

who, whom, whose, which, that

The lady, who is wearing that luxurious dress, has been waiting for you for over an hour.


d. Object Pronoun:

me, you, it, her, his, us, them

They served me a hearty dinner.


e. Possessive Pronoun :

mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs

Eat your breakfast. Don’t eat mine.
Your phone is silver. Mine is white.


3. Verb:

- Expresses action, state, or occurrence .

- Can be the mainaction, linking, or auxiliary verb.


a. Action Verb:

  1. She runs five miles every morning before breakfast.
  2. The children laugh and play in the park on sunny afternoons.
  3. He paints vibrant landscapes inspired by his travels.
  4. They dance salsa with passion and grace at the local club.
  5. The chef cooks delicious meals using fresh ingredients from the garden.
  6. The birds chirp cheerfully as they build their nests in the trees.
  7. We swim in the crystal-clear waters of the tropical lagoon.
  8. The construction workers build skyscrapers that pierce the city skyline.
  9. The musician plays the guitar with skill and finesse.
  10. The athletes compete fiercely for the gold medal in the Olympic Games.


b. Linking / State Verb:

  1. be: She is a talented musician.
  2. seem: He seems tired after the long day.
  3. appear: The sky appears clear tonight.
  4. become: She became a doctor after years of studying.
  5. feel: They feel happy when they're together.
  6. look: The garden looks beautiful in the spring.
  7. sound: The music sounds soothing and calming.
  8. taste: The soup tastes delicious with a hint of herbs.
  9. smell: The flowers smell sweet and fragrant.
  10. remain: The old house remains empty and abandoned.
  11. grow: The tree grows tall and strong in the backyard.
  12. turn: The milk turned sour after being left out too long.
  13. prove: The experiment proved successful beyond expectations.
  14. appear: He appears confident during his presentation.
  15. stay: The cat stayed calm despite the loud noises.
  16. prove: Her dedication proved invaluable to the team.
  17. sound: His explanation sounds reasonable to me.
  18. look: The new painting looks impressive on the wall.
  19. become: The situation became dire as the storm approached.
  20. remain: The old ruins remain a testament to the city's history.


c. Helping Verb:

  1. be: She is running in the park.
  2. have: They have finished their homework.
  3. do: He didn't pass the drive test as his parents expected.
  4. can: She can speak three languages fluently.
  5. could: They could have won the game if they had played better.
  6. will: We will go to the beach next weekend.
  7. would: He would help you if you asked him nicely.
  8. shall: I shall visit my grandparents tomorrow.
  9. should: You should apologize for what you said.
  10. may: She may come to the party if she finishes her work on time.
  11. might: We might go to the movies later if we have time.
  12. must: He must finish his chores before he can go out to play.
  13. ought to: They ought to be more careful when crossing the street.
  14. used to: She used to play the piano when she was younger.
  15. need to: We need to leave early to catch the train.
  16. dare: He dare not speak up in front of his boss.
  17. ought to: You ought to study harder if you want to pass the exam.
  18. would rather: She would rather stay home and relax than go out.
  19. have to: They have to finish the project by Friday.
  20. been: He has been working on his novel for months.


4. Adjective:

Modifies or describes a noun, providing additional information about its qualities.


a. Descriptive Adjective:

  1. Beautiful: She wore a beautiful dress to the party.
  2. Tall: The tree in the backyard is tall and majestic.
  3. Delicious: The aroma of the delicious meal filled the kitchen.
  4. Bright: The sun shines brightly in the clear blue sky.
  5. Friendly: They greeted us with warm smiles and friendly gestures.
  6. Cold: The wind blew cold on the winter morning.
  7. Spacious: Their new apartment is spacious and airy.
  8. Ancient: The ruins of the ancient temple were awe-inspiring.
  9. Comfortable: The couch in the living room is comfortable to sit on.
  10. Colorful: The garden is filled with colorful flowers in bloom.
  11. Fierce: The lion's roar echoed through the jungle, a fierce sound of warning.
  12. Sunny: It's a sunny day, perfect for a picnic in the park.
  13. Peaceful: The countryside is peaceful, far away from the hustle and bustle of the city.
  14. Elegant: She walked into the room with elegant grace and poise.
  15. Noisy: The street was noisy with the sounds of traffic and people chatting.
  16. Soothing: The soft music played in the background, creating a soothing atmosphere.
  17. Enormous: The elephant was enormous, towering over the other animals.
  18. Sparkling: The water in the lake was sparkling in the sunlight.
  19. Delightful: The children's laughter was delightful to hear.
  20. Scented: The air was scented with the fragrance of blooming flowers.


b. Demonstrative Adjective:

this, that, these, those

This winter is rather mild.


c. Proper Adjective:

American, Canadian

That is the Canadian flag.


d. Possessive Adjective:

my, your, his, her, its, our, their

I like your hair.


5. Adverb:

Modifies a verb, adjective, another adverb, or the whole sentence.

  1. Adverbs of manner: These adverbs describe how an action is performed.
    • Example: She sings beautifully.
  2. Adverbs of time: These adverbs indicate when an action takes place.
    • Example: They arrived early.
  3. Adverbs of place: These adverbs indicate where an action takes place.
    • Example: The cat is sleeping upstairs.
  4. Adverbs of frequency: These adverbs indicate how often an action occurs.
    • Example: He rarely goes to the gym.
  5. Adverbs of degree: These adverbs modify adjectives, verbs, or other adverbs to indicate the extent or degree of something.
    • Example: She is extremely talented.
  6. Adverbs of certainty: These adverbs express the speaker's degree of certainty or confidence about a statement.
    • Example: Perhaps we will go to the beach tomorrow.
  7. Adverbs of affirmation/negation: These adverbs express negation or denial.
    • Example: He definitely won't be late.
  8. Adverbs of reason: These adverbs indicate the reason or cause for an action.
    • Example: She left early because she had an appointment.
  9. Adverbs of time duration: These adverbs indicate how long an action lasts.
    • Example: They waited patiently for hours.
  10. Interrogative adverbs: These adverbs are used to ask questions about time, place, manner, reason, etc.
    • Example: Where did you go?
  11. Relative adverbs: These adverbs relate to a noun or pronoun mentioned earlier in the sentence.
    • Example: This is the place where we first met.


1. Modifies a verb:

  1. She ran quickly to catch the bus.
  2. He sings beautifully in the choir.
  3. They danced gracefully at the ball.
  4. The dog barked loudly in the night.
  5. The car stopped suddenly at the red light.
  6. He spoke softly to avoid waking the baby.
  7. She reads voraciously every night before bed.
  8. The children played happily in the park.
  9. The wind blew fiercely during the storm.
  10. He works diligently on his assignments every day.


2. Modifies an adjective:

She is extremely talented.
The movie was incredibly boring.
He seems quite happy today.
The food was surprisingly delicious.
She looks very tired after the long journey.
The weather is unusually warm for this time of year.
He appears rather anxious about the upcoming exam.
The flowers in the garden smell wonderfully fragrant.
The room feels comfortably warm in the winter.
She seems incredibly confident in her abilities.


3. Modifies another adverb:

  1. She walked extremely quickly.
  2. He spoke surprisingly softly.
  3. They danced quite gracefully.
  4. The car drove dangerously fast.
  5. She sang very loudly.
  6. He read English incredibly slowly.
  7. They laughed hilariously loudly.
  8. She played the piano exceptionally well.
  9. He ran astonishingly fast.
  10. They worked remarkably efficiently.


4. Modifies the entire sentence:

Fortunately, the weather cleared up just in time for the outdoor wedding.
Sadly, we had to cancel our vacation due to unforeseen circumstances.
Surprisingly, she managed to finish the project ahead of schedule.
Unfortunately, the restaurant was closed when we arrived.
Clearly, there has been a misunderstanding between the two parties.
Thankfully, no one was injured in the accident.
Interestingly, the study found a correlation between exercise and improved mental health.
Remarkably, he was able to solve the puzzle in record time.
Predictably, traffic was heavy during rush hour.
Unquestionably, she is the most qualified candidate for the job.


6. Preposition:

Shows the relationship between its Object and other words in a sentence.


Simple Preposition

In: She is in the classroom.
On: The book is on the table.
At: They will meet at the park.
By: He arrived by car.
For: This gift is for you.
With: She went to the party with her friends.
From: The train departs from the station.
To: He went to the store to buy groceries.
Into: She jumped into the pool.
Onto: The cat jumped onto the chair.
Upon: The sun rises upon the horizon.
Over: The plane flew over the mountains.
Under: The dog is hiding under the bed.
Beneath: The treasure lies buried beneath the sand.
Behind: He is standing behind the door.
Among: She found her keys among the books.
Between: The cat is sitting between the two chairs.
Along: They walked along the beach.
Across: They swam across the river.
Through: The car drove through the tunnel.

Compound Preposition

Apart from: Apart from English, she speaks three other languages fluently.

According to: According to the weather forecast, it's going to rain tomorrow.

Because of: The match was canceled because of the heavy rain.

In addition to: In addition to her job, she volunteers at the local animal shelter.

In front of: The car is parked in front of the house.

In spite of: In spite of the traffic, they arrived at the airport on time.

On behalf of: She accepted the award on behalf of the entire team.

Out of: Out of all the candidates, she was the most qualified for the position.

With regard to: With regard to your question, I think we need more information.

With respect to: With respect to your request, I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Alongside of: The new building was built alongside of the old one.

As for: As for the meeting, it has been rescheduled to next Monday.

By means of: By means of this tool, you can easily fix the problem.

Due to: The flight was delayed due to bad weather conditions.

In between: The bookshelf is located in between the two windows.

In lieu of: They offered him a promotion in lieu of a salary increase.

On top of: The cat is sitting on top of the table.

Regardless of: Regardless of the outcome, we will continue to support you.

With respect toward: She always treats everyone with respect toward their opinions.

In accordance with: The project was completed in accordance with the client's specifications.


7. Interjection:

Expresses strong emotions or exclamations, often standing alone.

  1. Wow!: Wow! That magic trick was amazing!
  2. Oh!: Oh! I didn't see you there.
  3. Oops!: Oops! I dropped my phone on the floor.
  4. Yay!: Yay! We won the game!
  5. Ouch!: Ouch! That hurt!
  6. Hooray!: Hooray! It's finally the weekend!
  7. Hey!: Hey! How's it going?
  8. Phew!: Phew! That was close.
  9. Aha!: Aha! I see what you did there.
  10. Uh-oh!: Uh-oh! I think I made a mistake.
  11. Bravo!: Bravo! That was an excellent performance.
  12. Alas!: Alas! We arrived too late for the show.
  13. Eww!: Eww! That food looks disgusting.
  14. Uh-huh!: Uh-huh! I agree with what you're saying.
  15. No way!: No way! You got a perfect score on the test?
  16. Well: Well, I guess we'll have to try again tomorrow.
  17. Hey there!: Hey there! Long time no see.
  18. Oh dear!: Oh dear! I forgot to turn off the oven.
  19. Gee!: Gee! Thanks for helping me out.

8. Determiner:

Articles: a, an, the
Quantifiers: some, many, few
I saw a cat in the garden.


9. Conjunctions/Linking Words/Connectors:

Connects ideas, sentences, or paragraphs, providing coherence and indicating relationships.


a. Coordinating Conjunctions [Nối ngang cấp]:

for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so [fanboys]

For: I enjoy hiking, for it allows me to connect with nature.
And: She likes reading, and he prefers watching movies.
Nor: He neither called nor sent a message.
But: She wanted to join the team, but she had other commitments.
Or: You can choose tea or coffee.
Yet: The weather was hot, yet they decided to go for a hike.
So: It was getting late, so we decided to leave.


b. Subordinating Conjunctions [Nối mệnh đề chính-phụ]:

After: She went for a run after she finished her work.
Although: Although it was raining, they decided to go for a picnic.
Because: He stayed home because he was feeling unwell.
Before: Please finish your homework before you go out to play.
If: If you study hard, you'll do well in the exam.
Since: They haven't seen each other since they graduated.
Though: Though it was cold, they went for a swim.
Until: She waited patiently until the bus arrived.
When: They'll call you when they reach the destination.
While: He cooked dinner while she set the table.


c. Correlative Conjunctions [Nối hỗ tương/qua lại, quan hệ qua lại giữa A với B]:

Both A and B:
Both Sarah and Tom enjoyed the movie.

Either A or B:
You can choose either the blue shirt or the red one.

Neither A nor B:
Neither the team nor the coach was satisfied with the result.

Not only A but also B:
Not only did she finish her project early, but also she exceeded expectations.

Whether A or B:
I'm not sure whether to go to the party or to stay at home.

She is as intelligent as she is hardworking.

He ran so fast that he won the race easily.


d. Adverbial Conjunctions/Transitions [Trạng từ bổ nghĩa cả câu, đóng vai trò Từ nối/Từ Chuyển tiếp]:

She worked hard; however, she didn't meet the deadline.

The weather was bad; therefore, the flight was canceled.

He was at the store; meanwhile, I was at home.

It was a challenging task; nevertheless, they completed it successfully.

She enjoys hiking; similarly, her brother loves mountain biking.

The movie was captivating; meanwhile, the popcorn was delicious.

He studied hard; furthermore, he attended extra classes.

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